Legal notice (10/06/2022)
LABORATOIRES INNOXA is a SAS with a capital of 100,000.00 euros whose registered office is located at 24 rue Erlanger, 75016 Paris. Laboratoires Innoxa is registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 881 6111 800, NAF code 2042Z, intra-community VAT: FR 44 881 6111 800.
Design and editorial content: LABORATOIRES INNOXA, under the direction of Frédéric Poux.
Development of the website : INNOXA LABORATOIRES
The site ishosted by OVH 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Article 1 - Definitions
Graphic Charter: The creations relating to the general structure of the Site.
Content: Trademarks, logos, domain names, graphics, trailers, musical works, photographs, software applications, animations, text, sales descriptions, visual or sound elements originating from LABORATOIRES INNOXA.
Products: The products offered by LABORATOIRES INNOXA on its Site.
Site: The LABORATOIRES INNOXA website, accessible at
Internet user: Any person connecting to the Website.
Article 2 - Purpose of the website aims to market the products of LABORATOIRES INNOXA, which operates in the pharmaceutical field. The activity of LABORATOIRES INNOXA is highly regulated and under the control of the French Health Products Safety Agency. The regulations limit and control communication on health matters or the use of LABORATOIRES INNOXA products.
This site is not intended to provide health or pharmaceutical advice or consultation in any way whatsoever. Any information in this regard should be sought from a doctor or pharmacist. Consequently, the user acknowledges that he/she is fully aware that the information contained on the present sites is not intended, in any way whatsoever, to :
- Giving medical advice ;
- Provide a diagnosis ;
- Replace consultation, advice or recommendations of a health professional;
Article 3 - Scope of application of the Legal Notices of the site's services
These Legal Terms and Conditions are in French and shall apply exclusively between LABORATOIRES INNOXA (hereinafter referred to as "LABORATOIRES INNOXA") and any Internet user wishing to access the Site and/or use the Services.
Any person wishing to contact LABORATOIRES INNOXA via the Site undertakes to provide accurate personal details, as well as any other information required to access the Site's services. They also undertake to update this information regularly.
Article 4 - Guarantees - Liability
LABORATOIRES INNOXA shall make every effort to ensure that its Website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of scheduled maintenance operations.
Access to the Site and the Services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.
LABORATOIRES INNOXA undertakes to do everything in its power to ensure that its Site is operated in the best possible conditions.
In any event, LABORATOIRES INNOXA shall not be held liable in the event of use of the Site by an Internet user who does not comply with these terms and conditions.
Article 5 - Intellectual Property
It is specified that the Graphic Charter and the Contents of the Site are protected by the legislation relating to intellectual property and that no provision of the present Legal Notice can be interpreted as conferring on the User a licence on the Intellectual Property Rights.
In this respect and in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, only the use of the graphic charter and the Contents of the Site for personal and non-commercial use is authorised.
Thus, the Member may not represent, reproduce, modify or, more generally, exploit this Graphic Charter or Site Content without the express prior authorisation of LABORATOIRES INNOXA.
Any unauthorised use of the Graphic Charter of the Site and/or its Contents constitutes an act of infringement of copyright and/or rights of distinctive signs and engages the criminal and civil liability of the Member on this basis. The offender is thus exposed to civil and penal sanctions and in particular to the penalties provided for in articles L. 335.2 and L. 343.1 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Article 6 - Personal data
LABORATOIRES INNOXA undertakes to ensure that any processing of personal data on the Site complies with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978.
The User has the right to access, modify and rectify his or her Personal Data (article 34 to 38 of the 1978 law).
Article 7 - Changes to the Legal Notice
Like a large number of companies, LABORATOIRES INNOXA is committed to regularly improving its site and customising it for the benefit of its visitors.
Consequently, LABORATOIRES INNOXA reserves the right to modify and update this legal notice at any time and without prior notice. It is therefore advisable to refer regularly to the latest version of these conditions.
Thus, the User declares that he/she has read and expressly and unconditionally accepted the present Legal Notice in force on the day of access to his/her website. Any use of the Services after modification of the Legal Notice is deemed to be pure and simple acceptance by the User of the new Legal Notice.
Article 8 - Applicable law and jurisdiction
The present Legal Notice is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute relating to their interpretation, validity or consequences, and in the absence of a prior amicable solution, only the French courts within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal shall have jurisdiction.